Thursday, September 12, 2013

Unleash your creative abilities and imaginations

"I'm not very creative!"  It is a phrase I find myself saying from time to time when creativity and imagination comes into play.  Like most people, I have a fear of being wrong and making mistakes.  Ever since I can remember, trying "something new" has always been a fear of mines.

 A million and one questions go through my mind as to why I should even try out this "something new" before I'll even give it a shot.  My mother says it seems my favorite phrase to say is, "Nah, I don't think i'll like it!" even if I didn't give whatever it was a chance or a try.  Her response would always be, "You haven't even tried it.  How do you know if you'll even like it?"  She would then carry on and reminisce about how I used to jump at the chance of always trying new things when I was a child.  I would then wonder to myself, "what happened?"  my simple response to myself is that I've simply grown out of it.  With fear floating over my head and a thousand hesitating attempts to try, I eventually did try that "something new" and always came to the same realization that it wasn't so bad after all. 

So why do we keep fearing new challenges and change?  Because we are afraid of being wrong and making mistakes.  Creativity and imagination comes from trial and error and making mistakes is never a bad thing.  Having an open mind and a willingness to make mistakes releases our creativity and imaginations.  

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